For hacking on Debian I needed a sid chroot. I created this with the Ubuntu version of debootstrap, which might not be recommended but worked well enough for me at the time.
# Create the chroot environment
sudo apt-get install debootstrap
sudo mkdir -p /chroot/sid
sudo debootstrap sid /chroot/sid
# Bind-mount required things (once per reboot)
export CHRDIR=/chroot/sid
sudo mount --bind /dev ${CHRDIR}/dev
sudo mount --bind /dev/pts ${CHRDIR}/dev/pts
sudo mount --bind /proc ${CHRDIR}/proc
# Entering the chroot
sudo chroot /chroot/sid /bin/bash
# Setup in chroot
# - add a user
adduser $NewUser
# - add user to sudo group
usermod -aG sudo $NewUser
# login as my user account in the chroot
sudo -u $NewUser bash -l
# any user setup
Using the chroot:
# Bind-mount required things (once per reboot)
export CHRDIR=/chroot/sid
sudo mount --bind /dev ${CHRDIR}/dev
sudo mount --bind /dev/pts ${CHRDIR}/dev/pts
sudo mount --bind /proc ${CHRDIR}/proc
# Use the chroot, switch to user-account
sudo chroot /chroot/sid /bin/bash
sudo -u $NewUser bash -l